Freebie Library

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That's why I'm letting you decide what it's worth to you
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*All content in this Freebie Library is copyrighted by 3D Success, LLC. (2025). The Freebie Library content is for personal use only, meaning that it cannot be used for commercial or profit purposes.

Simple & Healthy Recipes 

8-page PDF: natural food and self-care recipes 

Many processed foods and commercial self-care products are unhealthy. Why not make your own?! Here are some of my favorite easy recipes.

Name Your Emotions

5-page PDF: List of Emotions

Maybe you’ve heard of the saying “name it to tame it”. It’s a simple stress relief technique that involves labeling your emotions as they arise. Naming your emotions helps to remind you that you are not your emotions, and your emotions are only temporary. Use this list to help you identify what you're feeling.

Stress Assessment

4-page PDF: Stress Assessment

Do you know what's causing your stress? Use this assessment to identify the causes of your stress, which is the first step to managing it. When you know what your stressors are, you can avoid them or minimize their effects.

Moving Checklist Bundle

21-page PDF: Simple Moving Planner 

In this article, Moving Checklist and Tips for a Stress-Free Move, we discuss some tips for a smooth relocation.

-Moving Budget/Expense Tracker
-30-Day Declutter Challenge
-Box & Room Legend
-Box Contents List
-Change of Address Checklist
-Moving Tips

Crisis Plan

4-page PDF: Crisis Plan Worksheets

In this article, How to Get Through Hard Times in Life, we discuss some healthy coping strategies for dealing with life's hardships.

Savings Challenges

11-page PDF: Savings Challenge Bundle

Save $10,000 in 6 Months Savings Challenge (26 weeks)
Save $10,000 in a Year Savings Challenge (52 weeks)

Save $500 in 30 Days Savings Challenge

Save $1,000 in 30 Days Savings Challenge

$20 Fridays Paycheck Savings Challenge

$40 Fridays Biweekly Paycheck Savings Challenge

$300 Mini Savings Challenge

$500 Mini Savings Tracker

$1,000 Emergency Fund Tracker

Car Savings Challenge

Self-Care Worksheets

21-page PDF, includes blank worksheets for you to fill in and worksheets that are already completed as examples (*Now in printer-friendly black & white) 

Self-Care Ideas

Weekly Self-Care Checklist

Daily Self-Care Checklist

Self-Care Assessment

Relaxation Techniques

Stress Tracker

Stressors & Self-Care Activities Diary

Self-Care Tracker w/ Monthly Goals

Healthy & Unhealthy Self-Care Habits

Warning Signs of Too Much Stress

Self-Care Reminders (Quotes & Positive Affirmations)

Gratitude List

30 Day Success Mindset Challenge

30 Day Success Mindset Challenge Infographic

30 days to a success mindset! Do one simple exercise each day for 30 days. *See original blog post for more details.

Wheel of Life Assessment Tool

Rate these 8 areas of your life from 1 (extremely dissatisfied) to 10 (fully satisfied) to get direction & clarity for your Personal Development Plan

Gratitude Journal Prompts & Exercises 

Use these journal prompts and exercises to give thanks and experience the benefits of gratitude(*Now in printer-friendly black & white)

17 Confidence Building Questions

Confidence Building Questions Pic for Freebie Library

17 questions designed to boost your self-confidence.

Quit Your Job Checklist (+ Motivational Quotes)

quit your job

7 Signs you should quit your job checklist plus 10 motivational quotes to help you finally take the leap!

Cultivating Creativity: 3-Part Series

Creativity freebie square

Cultivating Creativity Series:
(1) How to Be More Creative [Part 1: Your Actions]
(2) How to Inspire Creativity [Part 2: Your Environment]
(3) How to Increase Creativity in the Brain [Part 3: Your Subconscious]

Get to Know Yourself: Self-Discovery Questions & Core Values List

Get to Know Yourself Freebie

Insightful questions to help you get to know yourself better. (*Now in printer-friendly black & white)

Create a Life You Love: Reinvention Worksheets

Reinvention freebie

Reinvention worksheets to help you create a life you love.

5 Sweet & Simple Anti-Anxiety Recipes 

Best foods for anxiety freebie

5 of my own sweet & simple recipes to help reduce anxiety.

50 Foods that Reduce Stress/50 Foods that Increase Stress 

Social Media Detox Usage Tracker

Social media detox usage tracker freebie square

Use this to track how much time you are spending on social media.

Brain Dump Worksheets 

Brain dump worksheets to help you declutter your overwhelmed mind.

Limiting Beliefs to Empowering Beliefs Worksheet 

Turn limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs

(worksheet + examples)

(*Now in printer-friendly black & white)

10 Things to Remember When You Have Anxiety

10 things to remember when you have anxiety freebie

Remember these 10 critical things if you have anxiety.

Achieve Your Big Goals Worksheets 

Worksheets to help you set a BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) and SMART mini goals.


Take a quiz to assess your level of self care, see if you are headed for burnout, determine whether you are an HSP or an empath, and more!



A simple 3-step system with actionable strategies to help get you organized and keep you motivated.

(*with lots of helpful tips and examples)

38 pages

*now available to read online



Companion to the Conquer Overwhelm & Prevent Burnout

55 pages of worksheets and exercises

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